The following are just some of the services we typically provide for our clients:
Improve Cash Flow for a For-profit Business
A San Francisco Bay Area health care facility was approximately 9 months behind in their accounts payable and contract invoicing. They had extremely poor cash flow and were facing threat of eviction. Applied Financial Services, Inc. assessed the situation and brought their invoicing current.
The Result: improved cash flow, improved relations with their funders, landlord, vendors, and employees, since their bills were being paid promptly.
Improve Cash Flow for a Nonprofit Organization
A Bay Area nonprofit organization had a financial vacancy for a few months, resulting in late employee reimbursements, late government invoicing, and other delayed accounting tasks. Cash flow was suffering. Applied Financial Services, Inc. brought everything current, including paying employees and invoicing donors.
The Result: improved cash flow.
Improve Financial Reporting
A large international San Francisco Bay Area nonprofit had numerous department turnover, vacancies, and lacked adequate staffing. Applied Financial Services, Inc. brought their accounting up to date, cleaned up their systems, prepared for an audit, corresponded directly with the auditor, provided clean financial statements on a monthly basis, and provided reports to managers/staff/external users, as requested.
The Result: drastically improved financial reporting.
Ongoing Bookkeeping and *Accounting Services
Applied Financial Services, Inc. provides ongoing bookkeeping and *accounting services for a local Bay Area marina, including: monthly invoicing, financial statement reconciliation, month-end close activities, and working work directly with their CPA at year-end.
The Result: smooth operating financial processes, timeline monthly tenant invoicing, and a client who always knows where they stand.
Stepping in to Become a Member of the Team
A Bay Area for-profit business had a job vacancy for an in-house financial analyst that they were not able to fill, due to a tight labor market. The company turned to Applied Financial Services, Inc. for ongoing assistance. AFS currently provides extensive payroll services for nearly 200 employees, payroll changes (including garnishments and deductions), accounts payable, month-end close and accounting activities, financial statement preparation, and more.
The Result: the client has all of the bookkeeping and *accounting services it requires without needing to hire an employee.